Tuesday, September 14, 2004

In the beginning ...

It's time to join the blog bandwagon. In doing so I hope to test whether a blog can be used to create a long lasting web presence rather than an ephemeral one. I'd like for this to be a place where I can post my own writing and that of others. In my 'best of all possible worlds', this site will become a nexus for those who wish to publish creative writing and photography about Seattle Parks.

Of all the community building infrastructure a city can spend money on, libraries and parks are the most cost effective elements that promote the mental and physical health of citizens. By encouraging myself and others to play in the parks and then to write about those experiences I am following very ancient advice:
Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.
(You should pray to have a sound mind in a sound body.)

-- Juvenal


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful, you painted a picture with words and I was inspired.

3:10 PM  

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